Our Services

We are here to serve, heal and empower.

We are proud to offer a wide range of services in whatever phase of life you find yourself. From children and adolescents to adults and seniors, our practitioners have a broad range of skills and experience to provide personalized service to each of our clients. No matter where you are or what you’re going through, we’re here for you. We offer the following services in English, Spanish and American Sign-Language. To speak with one of our practitioners, please make an appointment.

Cannenta Center works with most commercial insurances to make mental health care accessible and affordable. Our partner, Headway, will help you understand your mental health benefits and will take care of all the paperwork.

Insurance plan coverage varies by clinician. Currently, we are not contracted with Medicare or Medicaid

insurance accepted logos

Mental Health and Wellness

Female Patient and Therapist

As you navigate life’s challenges and obstacles, you may find yourself in need of a little support to keep moving forward. Your mental health is a critical part of your overall wellness and our compassionate, professional counselors can address a number of concerns and topics, such as depression, anger, anxiety, relationships, substance abuse, school or career and more.

COST: You have the right to receive a good faith estimate of expected charges before committing to any session.

$100 per individual per session
$120 per family per session

Relationship Counseling

Immigration Psychological Evaluations

female counselor and male client

Photo by Alex Green from Pexels

We offer psychological evaluations for immigration purposes.

An Immigration Psychological Evaluation is a psychological assessment used to help immigration courts determine whether an individual will be able to remain lawfully in the United States.

Cost: $750 per person

Other Services

group counseling

Parent Coordinator/Facilitator

Divorce is a difficult time for the whole family. With proper support, divorced parents can create a co-parenting plan which is in the best interests of their child(ren). We view our role as loving, creative connectors of people who aren’t connected.

The PC/PF role is to reduce high conflict between divorced parents through

  • Education

  • Coaching

  • Participation

PC/PF practitioners are neutral third parties who are generally involved with these families for an extended period of time and are active participants throughout the process. PC/PF services are typically court ordered and not working in the capacity of a mental health professional.

*Services are not provided in a therapeutic capacity. Services meet the requirements for Texas Family Code sec 153.605 and 153.610..

Latinx Parenting Classes

"Porque yo digo." "Porque yo mando". "Voy por la chancla!" These are all too common phrases heard by Latino and Latina parents and grandparents growing up. Many times our caregivers have had to survive oppressive systems. Whether it's political turmoil, violence, or poverty, they have had to focus on survival which unfortunately means that tough or aggressive parenting practices were used in order to protect their children. Other times due to gender norms and cultural rules they were not given the proper tools to learn about navigating their emotions and therefore it was difficult to teach future generations about that too. White-centered parenting education doesn't always take into account our cultural background, dynamics, or history and therefore it does not always make sense for our families and how they function. This Latinx parent training utilizes phrases, concepts, and highlights strengths from within our own culture to build on our cultural wealth and move away violent parenting practices. It will help you learn to reconnect with your own inner child, learn how to communicate emotional regulation to your children, and begin practicing healthy parenting practices within the scope of Latinx culture. En Ingles y Espanol. 

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Wellness groups are offered for meditation sessions, journaling groups, after affair support group, and others. We also provide group sessions for children and parents going through a life event.

Cost: You have the right to receive a good faith estimate of expected charges before committing to any session.

$25 per person per hour
*Payment in full required before start of group series

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Anger Management

(12 sessions, $50 each session) and Parenting classes (8 sessions, $50 each session) certificate of completion provided. The class can be taken individually, as a family, or in a group setting.

The Anger Management class is based on the SAMHSA Curriculum. The course is a 12-week cognitive–behavioral anger management group treatment model. Four types of CBT interventions, theoretically unified by principles of social learning theory, are most often used when treating anger management problems:

  • Relaxation training targets emotional and physiological components of anger.

  • Cognitive interventions target cognitive processes such as building awareness of cues and triggers, hostile appraisals and attributions, maladaptive beliefs, and inflammatory thinking.

  • Communication skills interventions target strengthening assertiveness and conflict resolution skills.

  • Combined interventions integrate two or more CBT interventions and target multiple response domains.